Words From The Cross (Part 6)

"It is finished." Many who hear this statement from Jesus hear it as a cry of defeat as if Jesus was indicating that His suffering was finally coming to an end. But, these words “It is finished” are not a cry of defeat. No! They are a cry of victory! Jesus was triumphantly proclaiming that all the work the Father had sent Him to accomplish (John 4:34, 9:4, 17:4) was now finished, particularly His work of bearing the punishment of sin, our sin.

By being obedient to the Father and finishing His work, Jesus shows each of us that He is our Redeemer and our Savior. He is the King who is willing to die for His people. Through His death our sinfulness is revealed. Through His death, Jesus identifies with our pain, our suffering, and our human mortality. Through His death we see the costliness of God’s grace and the magnitude of God’s mercy. Through His death, we see what love looks like. Through His death, we see victory as Jesus successfully completed His mission of redemption. "It is finished." As you’re breathing you last breath, will your final words be a cry of regret or a cry of victory cry because you have been faithful to Jesus and His call in your life?

~ Tim Hall https://twitter.com/1timothy12 (I encourage feedback, questions & comments - email me at 1timothy46@gmail.com)


Words From The Cross (Part 7)


Words From The Cross (Part 5)