Christ Community Church

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Building Lives That Last

1 Corinthians 3:1-15 is a passage that teaches us about building our lives to last. It's a passage that's especially relevant for our youth, but its message resonates with all of us. We all deeply long to make a lasting impact on this world and leave a legacy beyond our time on Earth. So, let's dive into the wisdom of this passage and explore how we can build lives that truly endure.

Grow Up: In the opening verses of this passage, the Apostle Paul addresses the Corinthians both lovingly and sternly. He acknowledges their immaturity as Christians, urging them to grow up spiritually. It's crucial for us, too. Whether we're new to the faith or have been walking with Jesus for a while, we must continually pursue spiritual maturity.

Paul identifies their issues: jealousy, envy, and rivalry, behaviors that prioritize self over others. If we find ourselves displaying such traits, we need to take a step back and ask ourselves, "Am I truly growing in my faith?" Let's commit to a growth journey, putting others first, trusting in God, being bold, and generously sharing our blessings.

Obey and Rely on God: As we continue, we see that Paul emphasizes the importance of obeying and relying on God. He compares our role in building our lives to planting and watering, while God is the one who makes things grow. This applies to our spiritual growth and our efforts to pass on our faith to the next generation.

It's a reminder that we don't need to carry the weight of evangelism or discipleship on our shoulders alone. We should obey God's call and rely on Him to work through our actions. Unity among believers is essential in this process. Let's work together, across our differences, to fulfill God's mission of loving Jesus, making disciples, and building lives that last.

Your Work Will Be Revealed by Fire: We're reminded that our work will be revealed by fire. The foundation of our lives must be Jesus Christ; anything not built upon Him is like wood, hay, or straw, which will not withstand the testing fire. We must continually evaluate our motives and ensure that we're building on the firm foundation of Christ.

As we reflect on our lives, let's ask ourselves, "Am I building on Jesus? Am I living each moment for Him?" The refining fire of God will reveal the quality of our work. May we strive to build lives rooted in Christ so our legacy endures and brings glory to God.

In closing, let's take a moment to pray and ask God to help us internalize these lessons. May He empower us to build lives that last, rooted in Christ, and may our efforts bring glory to His name. Let us commit to growing spiritually, obeying and relying on God, and ensuring that our work stands the test of fire. As we invest in the next generation, we build a legacy that will impact eternity.

Blog adapted from January 28, 2024, message by Minister Brad Mock

If you want more information on getting plugged into our Youth Ministry, email Minister Brad at