Christ Community Church

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Prayer, Humility, and Unseen Dimensions

In the tapestry of faith, prayer is the thread that connects believers with the divine. Reaching one more person for Jesus is a lifelong journey that must be guided by prayer and reliance on God's wisdom, and marked by humility and love.

God desires to reach people more than we do. This must serve as the cornerstone of our efforts! Prayer is a powerful tool that opens doors for this. The correlation between prayer and divine opportunities is stunning. We acknowledge that God works in his own timing, but our role in the meantime is to remain steadfast in prayer (1 Corinthians 2:1–3). Let’s continue to be committed to praying for our “one more” every day!

A Lesson in Humility

Let’s now focus on evangelism by taking a look at Apostle Paul’s approach. The manuscript shares a personal journey, admitting to a youthful misconception that superior knowledge and persuasive arguments could win people to Jesus. The realization that humility, not eloquence or human wisdom, is key to effective communication of the gospel is highlighted. The emphasis shifts to the scandalous nature of Christ crucified and its unparalleled power (1 Corinthians 2:4–5).

The centrality of Christ crucified is explored, emphasizing its scandalous nature and its profound impact on human hearts. The manuscript delves into the strategic brilliance of God's plan, where victory over death, sin, and Satan is achieved through weakness, humility, and unwavering commitment. The phrase "We Are All For Jesus" becomes a rallying cry, encapsulating the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice.

Tour Guides, Not Salesmen

The narrative introduces the concept of being 'tour guides' rather than 'salesmen' in sharing the message of Jesus. The approach involves walking alongside, inviting participation, and allowing individuals to respond at their own pace. The importance of self-discovery and inviting others to explore the Bible firsthand is emphasized, echoing the principle of winning hearts, not arguments.

Practical strategies, such as launching seeker groups, are proposed as a means to facilitate deeper exploration of Jesus. Personal stories and anecdotes highlight the effectiveness of this approach, emphasizing the impact of self-discovered truth over persuasive arguments. Moving beyond words, the manuscript introduces the concept of demonstrating the Spirit's power. Miracles, supernatural healings, and transformed lives become powerful testimonies that cannot be refuted. The emphasis on the fruit of the Spirit and service to others as demonstrations of God's power reinforces the second DNA statement: "We Are Empowered by the Holy Spirit."

Wisdom Beyond Conventions & Comprehension

The narrative transitions to the importance of wisdom but cautions against relying on conventional worldly wisdom. The mysterious wisdom of God, hidden throughout history, is declared, revealing a counterintuitive understanding that matures as believers progress in their journey with Christ (I Cor 2:6-8). The manuscript concludes with a thought-provoking exploration of dimensions beyond human comprehension. Drawing inspiration from physics, astronomy, and the Bible, it speculates on the nature of the new bodies believers will receive and the transcendent reality of the New Heavens and New Earth. The anticipation of a future that surpasses imagination becomes a driving force in the mission to reach one more.

In the grand tapestry of faith, prayer, humility, and the revelation of the unseen dimension, weave together to form a compelling narrative of reaching one more for Jesus. The manuscript serves as a guide, encouraging believers to embrace a holistic approach that encompasses prayer, humility, effective communication, and a demonstration of the Spirit's power on the journey of faith.

Blog adapted from January 21, 2024 message by Minister Mark Ashton