Christ Community Church

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Finding Meaning and Purpose

In a world marked by turmoil, stress, and a relentless pursuit of personal satisfaction, finding genuine peace and flourishing can often seem like an elusive dream. We live in a society that emphasizes individual freedom, happiness, and self-expression above all else. But what if I told you that there is a path to true flourishing, one that transcends the superficial pursuits of our modern culture? We will explore the wisdom found in the book of Thessalonians and discover how we can attain genuine flourishing in the midst of a broken world.

As we consider meaning and purpose, we need to start by identifying that God created us with basic desires—to be loved, known, and significant, to name a few. Our day-to-day activities are motivated by our desire for significance and purpose. God created us with desire, and Jesus understands that we are people of desire. Psychiatrist Dr. Curt Thompson says, “Our deep desire is to be known for the purpose of creating beauty in the world.”

Crucial Parts of Flourishing Purpose

Ethical Standards in Work: One of the keys to experiencing peace and flourishing in your life is aligning your actions with your ethical standards, especially in your professional life. If your job requires you to compromise your ethics, it may be time to seek alternative employment. There was once a young worker who chose to follow his code of ethics in a sales job when urged to make false promises. His commitment to honesty not only brought him success but also contributed to his inner sense of peace and well-being.

Pursuing Your Passion: Another crucial aspect of flourishing is pursuing your true passion and purpose in life. If you find yourself dreading your job, it might be an indication that it’s time to reevaluate your career choices. Studies suggest that if you can enjoy at least 65% of your work, you can endure the remaining 35%. However, if these percentages are reversed, it’s essential to seek a path that aligns with your true calling.

Serving Others: We must adopt a mindset focused on others rather than ourselves. When we serve or work in any capacity, our primary question should be, “How can I help?” This shift in perspective redirects our attention away from our feelings and performance and towards the needs of those around us.

Maintaining Balance: Often, a lack of peace and flourishing in our lives can be traced back to an imbalance between work and rest. It’s crucial to recalibrate and ensure that you are getting enough rest, avoiding overwork, and not taking on more than you can handle. Balancing work and rest allows you to perform at your best and experience a greater sense of well-being.

Recognizing Brokenness: Our world is broken by sin, and this brokenness has led to a substitution of false flourishing for genuine flourishing. In today’s postmodern culture, personal experience and satisfaction take precedence over everything else. We have become self-serving gods, pursuing our desires at the expense of others.

Thessalonians: An Example of Genuine Flourishing

As we look at 1 Thessalonians 1, we discover a community that embodies shalom, or true flourishing. The Thessalonian church, founded by Paul in 51 AD, thrived despite facing persecution. It was a community of mostly recent Gentile converts with little biblical training, working and living in a challenging environment.

Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians is marked by grace and peace. Grace, the gift of God’s act in Christ that forgives our sins, precedes true peace and wholeness. The Thessalonian community’s genuine faith, love, and hope are evident:

  • Work produced by faith: Their actions were driven by their unwavering faith in God.

  • Labor prompted by love: Their love was sacrificial, mirroring Christ’s love on the cross.

  • Endurance inspired by hope: Their hope was not mere optimism but centered on the return of Christ and the establishment of God’s Kingdom.

Despite the severe suffering and a culture that rejected their message, this community thrived. Their deep conviction, empowered by the Holy Spirit, led to a transformative faith that couldn’t be ignored. They understood that they were chosen to present God through their lives and share the love of Christ’s sacrifice.

A Path to Personal Shalom

In our own lives, we can experience personal shalom—a deep sense of peace and well-being—by aligning our actions with our ethical standards, pursuing our passions, serving others, maintaining balance, and recognizing the brokenness of the world. The Thessalonian community's example reminds us that even in the face of adversity, faith, love, and hope can lead to flourishing.

Ultimately, personal shalom is attainable now, but its full realization awaits Christ’s return when we will reign with him forever. In the meantime, by staying connected to God through prayer, worship, and community, we can find peace and purpose even in a broken world. May this blog inspire you to seek genuine flourishing in your life and strive to present the image of God to the world.

Blog adapted from September 3, 2023 message by Nancy Davies