Christ Community Church

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The Power of Community and Purpose in Flourishing

In a world filled with anxiety, economic uncertainties, and societal challenges, the concept of flourishing may seem distant. Rates of depression and anxiety are on the rise, educational outcomes are declining, and social issues like racism persist. Despite these daunting circumstances, there is a subset of people who are not only thriving but flourishing amidst the chaos. Recent studies from Gallup, NBC News, and Harvard University shed light on a surprising key to achieving flourishing—weekly worship attendance. This unexpected finding challenges common perceptions and underscores the importance of community and divine encounters in achieving a fulfilling life.

As Americans grapple with mounting challenges, the pursuit of flourishing becomes a focal point. The Gallup survey reveals that only 51% of Americans express deep satisfaction with their lives. However, a staggering 67% of regular weekly worship attendees report high levels of life satisfaction. This compelling statistic raises questions about the factors contributing to this sense of flourishing. Harvard researcher Dr. Tyler VanderWeele delves into the concept of flourishing, examining various applications in the context of modern life. One of the key areas of focus is the impact of family and satisfying relationships on flourishing. This study highlights the idea that flourishing is not solely the mission of religious institutions but rather an essential side effect of a meaningful life.

The Components of Flourishing

Flourishing encompasses five realms and is driven by four key factors that contribute to a life lived to the fullest:

  1. Community of Shalom: Healthy relationships, stable families, and deep friendships contribute significantly to flourishing. The Bible emphasizes the importance of community, both in the Old and New Testaments. Being part of a supportive network aligns with our innate human need for companionship and connection.

  2. Divine Encounter Shalom: Encountering God and experiencing his love, grace, and power is pivotal to internal flourishing. Our journey with God provides an anchor amidst life’s storms, and these divine encounters feed our souls’ longing for meaning and purpose.

  3. Character of Shalom: Flourishing requires aligning our inner selves with our external personas. When our true selves match our public presentation, we experience inner peace, unity, and authenticity.

  4. Shalom Meaning and Purpose: Discovering and living out a purpose that aligns with God’s purpose is a critical aspect of flourishing. Living each day with a sense of meaning and contributing positively to the world around us adds a profound layer of fulfillment.

The Power of Community

One significant driver of flourishing is the presence of a supportive community. Community serves as a crucial backdrop for achieving life satisfaction. Studies show that individuals who are part of a strong community experience lower levels of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Healthy relationships provide a buffer against life’s challenges and offer opportunities for growth and mutual support.

Marriage and Flourishing

The Harvard study also highlights the impact of healthy marriages on overall well-being. Contrary to popular belief, divorce rates among regular churchgoers are significantly lower than the general population. Churches provide resources such as premarital counseling, marriage groups, and pastoral support that contribute to healthier marriages and, consequently, flourishing individuals.

Embracing Flourishing

In a world marked by turmoil, it is possible to achieve flourishing by nurturing essential aspects of life. Community, divine encounters, and meaningful relationships play a vital role in fostering well-being and life satisfaction. Recognizing the power of these pillars and actively engaging in them can lead to a life that thrives even in the face of adversity.

Flourishing may appear elusive, especially in the midst of societal challenges and personal struggles. However, the unexpected link between weekly worship attendance, community, and divine encounters underscores the transformative power of faith and relationships. By embracing these pillars, individuals can navigate life's complexities and truly flourish, embodying the Shalom that God intended for his creation. As we strive for a life of fulfillment and purpose, let us lean into the support of a nurturing community and seek divine encounters that guide us toward a flourishing existence.

Blog adapted from August 13, 2023 message by Minister Mark Ashton