Christ Community Church

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Living Beyond Ourselves

We stand at a unique moment in the history of our church. The walls of our building echo with 102 years of history, of trials and triumphs, and now they stand as a testament to our faithfulness. Debt-free and with a renovated sanctuary, we are not raising funds to pay for past expenses. Instead, we find ourselves at a crossroads, presented with a rare opportunity for radical generosity. But before we delve into commitments of financial abundance, we must first commit ourselves to Jesus. Let's look at Acts 20.

Paul’s Message to the Ephesian Elders

The backdrop of Ephesus sets the stage for Paul's message to the elders. Having spent two impactful years in Ephesus, Paul had deep connections with the church and its leaders. He anticipated challenges ahead as he journeyed to Jerusalem with a gift for the famine-stricken church. His words in Acts 20:24 reveal a profound commitment driven by the Spirit:

“I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” —Acts 20:24

  1. Life Worth Nothing: Embracing the principle of death and life in Christ, Paul declares that his life is worth nothing apart from the call of Jesus. Following Christ means dying to self and living for him completely.

  2. Finish the Race, Complete the Task: Recognizing that life is a race, Paul emphasizes the singular task assigned by Jesus—testifying to the good news of God’s grace. It’s a mission that transcends personal comfort and convenience.

  3. Testifying to God’s Grace: The central mission is clear—spreading the message of God’s grace far and wide. It’s a call to be ambassadors of love, messengers of hope, and vessels of God’s extravagant grace.

Living Beyond the Small Things

Paul’s message challenges us to evaluate the worth of our pursuits. Too often, we find ourselves engrossed in small, temporal concerns—possessions, achievements, or personal comfort. Jesus, in Matthew 6, reminds us to seek first the kingdom of God, assuring that all other things will follow.

Called to Move Beyond Ourselves

  1. Beyond Debt-Free Facilities: While celebrating our debt-free status and facility improvements, we are reminded that it’s too small a thing. Our mission extends to reaching thousands with the transformative message of God’s grace.

  2. Beyond Past Achievements: Reflecting on past achievements such as the hospital project in Gold Kingdom, we realize our mission isn’t done. We must press on, bringing the gospel to unreached people groups and planting churches where they’re needed.

  3. Beyond Personal Comfort: Our calling goes beyond personal comfort and convenience. We must extend love, justice, and grace to all of Omaha, especially those without a church home.

This unique moment demands introspection. What are we living for—the American dream, personal comfort, or the gospel? As disciples of Jesus, we give ourselves first to him and then to his mission. It’s a call to radical generosity, a commitment to rearrange our lives for the sake of the gospel. Let’s embrace this opportunity, not just as a financial commitment but as a lifestyle of radical generosity, living beyond ourselves for the glory of God.

Blog adapted from November 19, 2023 message by Minister Mark Ashton